Monday, December 10, 2007


Dear Mum and Dad ,

Have you ever wanted something really bad but your parents wouldn’t pay for it and you didn’t have any money? Then I think kids should get allowance because they will learn a life lesson which is if they spend all there pocket money they wont have any money left and parents cant just buy everything for them if the kids spent all their pocket money. When they get older parents should raise their allowance because they are coming more mature.

I think it’s very un-fair if Hugh and Alice get allowance and I don’t they don’t even have to chores around the house to earn their pocket money! I think kids about my age should get about $5.00 a week, half their age. Or just around $5.00 Kids can earn their pocket money by doing daily chores like doing the dishes every Tuesday and Friday and they can get more pocket money if they do more jobs and to make it easier you could put on the fridge who’s doing what jobs so no one forgets their jobs or in each kids rooms you could put a star chart which means you put a star on the star chart when you have done your jobs. With pocket money they could buy their own reading books, there own clothes, Christmas presents, birthday presents and all the stuff they want or need but if the kids need something you probably should buy it for them like if they need school shoes or a school shirt.

So the over all decision is KIDS SHOULD GET POCKET MONEY! So next time your kids asks you “mum can I get pocket money” you say yes darling but you have to do jobs to earn that pocket money but one more thing just don’t give your kids to much jobs or they will think they are slaves.

Love from Clare